Serbian Movie Projection in Washington DC +++ Пројекција српског филма у Вашингтону
At the request of a friend of our parish, we bring you this announcement as a public service +++ На молбу пријатеља наше парохије, преносимо вам ове информације 18. novembar @ 19:00hMiracle Theatre535 8th...

Sad news +++ Тужне вести
Dear Saint Luke Parishioners, It is with great consternation that we inform you that our parish was a victim of a break in. A few days ago, our collection box in the candle area...

Next Sunday! Book Launch: “Memorable Encounters” by Branko Mikasinovich
On November 14, 2021 at 1:00 PM at the Saint Luke Serbian Orthodox Church, Dr. Branko Mikasinovich will discuss his latest book Memorable Encounters, the Famous, Fascinating, and Ordinary People of the Serbian Diaspora (Chigoja Press...

Important information! +++ Важно обавештење!
Dear Saint Luke Parishioners,Dear Friends, As I have been announcing these past couple of months, our Serbian Orthodox Church on this continent is celebrating its 100th Аnniversary this weekend. I am travelling today to...


From Fr. Vasilije +++ Од о. Василија
Dear Saint Luke Parishioners,Dear Friends, I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you who have celebrated with us the Slava of our Church, either in person or remotely by having...