Dear Church School Parents –

Welcome to the 2021-2022 Sunday School and Religious Education School Year!  Our school year will start on September 12th with the Invocation of the Holy Spirit and the commemoration of the Sunday School Religious Education Slava, St Sophia and her 3 Daughters, during Divine Liturgy, followed by a Welcome Back picnic hosted by the Sunday School and Religious Education Department.

As we are about to start the new school year, the teachers of the St Luke Sunday School and Religious program would like to thank all our families for participating in the Virtual Religious Education Program during the 2020-2021 school year.  We met bi-weekly on Sundays at 2:00pm via Zoom because of restrictions imposed by Montgomery County during the Covid-19 Pandemic.  We appreciated all of our families that participated but we found that the virtual classes were not as successful as we had anticipated.

As we start the new 2021-2022  school year, we are happy to announce that we will again conduct our Sunday School and Religious Education classes in-person.  Classes will continue to be taught each Sunday, starting immediately after Holy Liturgy, this is a correction from our first communication.  We will continue with a curriculum based on God’s Word, Holy Tradition and how these lessons apply to our personal and everyday lives.  Our classes will be divided into age appropriate groups and will meet in various locations of the church property.  We will again schedule periodic Sundays where we will encourage our students and their families to come to Vespers, Confession and a family dinner on a Saturday evening, culminating with the family receiving Holy Communion at Holy Liturgy the next morning.  Our students will once again be able to give back to their church with various Stewardship opportunities such as volunteering at SerbFest and assisting at our Church Slava.  We will also plan field trips for our students to help continue building friendships.

Fr Vasilije, our Religious Education Teachers and our Trusteeship Board commit to making the teaching of the Orthodox Faith a priority in our community.  We all want to help all the children learn, understand and practice their faith so that they will grow and be strong Orthodox Christian adults.  We look forward to working with you as we help your children grow in the Orthodox Faith.

So that we can prepare for the new school year, please register your children for the Sunday School and Religious Education program by either completing the registration form electronically here: 2021-2022 Sunday School Registration  or you can complete the registration in person at the Welcome Back picnic on Sunday, September 12th.

Your Servants in Christ,

John Buffalini

Desanka Elwell

Joyce Visnick

Natalie Visnick