Metropolitan Kallistos (Ware) of Dioclea – Keynote address at the celebration of the 800th Anniversary of Autocephaly of the Serbian Orthodox Church, Chicago, July 14, 2019. ++++++++++++++++ Митрополит диоклијски Калистос (Вер) – Говор на прослави 800. годишњице аутокефалије Српске Православне Цркве, Чикаго, 14. јул 2019. године.
Sermon of Metropolitan Kallistos (Ware) of Dioclea at the occasion of 800th Anniversary of Autocephaly of the Serbian Orthodox Church, St. Sava Monastery in Libertyville, IL – July 14, 2019
Join us for Church Picnic on Sunday, July 21 following the Divine Liturgy +++ Придружите нам се на Црквеном пикнику у недељу, 21. јула по завршетку Свете Литургије
JOIN US ON SUNDAY, JULY 21 FOLLOWING THE DIVINE LITURGY Picnic is all-you-can eat:– $25 for adults,– $15 for youth (12-18),– no charge for children under 11 Cash bar for drinks. Live music by...
Congratulations to Dr. Branko Mikasinovic – Честитамо др Бранку Микашиновићу
A heartfelt congratulations to Dr. Branko Mikasinovic on the upcoming publication of his new book. This will be a new addition to a series of anthologies of Serbian literature prepared by him. The new...
Information on the flooding in church – Информације о поплави у цркви
Dear St. Luke Parishioners and Friends, We are pleased to share with you more information the status of the flood damage, which we received from Mark Rasevic (chairman of the Building and Grounds Committee). ...
Church Flooding Repairs Update – Санација цркве од поплаве
We are very grateful to Mark Rasevic, and the Rasevic Landscape Company ( ) for rapidly responding and beginning the repairs which the flood inflicted. They managed to quickly remove the excess flood...
Please, pray for our Church! – Молимо Вас да нашу цркву имате у својим молитвама!
The torrential downpour in the area has caused a flash flood this morning. Our Church is also affected by the flooding. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Велико невреме које је јутрос погодило Вашингтон изазвало је поплаве. Наша црква...
Save the Date for Church Picnic – Резервишите датум за Црквени пикник
JOIN US ON SUNDAY, JULY 21 FOLLOWING THE DIVINE LITURGY We are grateful to all our parishioners and friends who have responded to our survey. Especially THANK YOU to our Nena Djokic and her...