Basil was born in Popova, a village in Hercegovina, of simple and God-fearing parents. From his youth, he was filled with love for the Church of God, and when he reached maturity, he entered the Monastery of the Dormition of the Theotokos (Birth-giver of God) in Trebinje and there received the monastic tonsure. As a monk, he quickly became renowned for his assiduous and rare ascetical life. Saint Basil took upon himself ascetic labor upon ascetic labor, each one heavier and more difficult than the last. Later, against his will, he was elected and consecrated bishop of Zahum and Skenderia. As a hierarch, he first lived in the Tvrdoš Monastery and from there, as a good shepherd, strengthened his flock in the Orthodox Faith, protecting them from the cruelty of the Turks and the cunning ways of the Latins. When Basil was exceedingly pressed by his enemies, and when Tvrdoš was destroyed by the Turks, he moved to Ostrog, where he lived an austere ascetic life, protecting his flock by his ceaseless and fervent prayer. He reposed peacefully in the Lord in the sixteenth century, leaving behind his incorrupt and healing relics, incorrupt and miracle-working to the present day. The miracles at the grave of St. Basil are without number. Christians and Moslems alike come before his relics and find healing of their most grave illnesses and afflictions. A great national gathering (pilgrimage) occurs there annually on the Feast of Pentecost.


Родом из Попова Села у Херцеговини, од родитеља простих но благочестивих. Од малена беше испуњен љубављу према Цркви Божјој, а када поодрасте оде у Требињски манастир Успенија Богородице и прими монашки чин. Као монах убрзо се прочу због свог озбиљног и ретког подвижничког живота. Јер налагаше на себе подвиг за подвигом, све тежи од тежега. Доцније би изабран и посвећен за епископа Захумског и Скендеријског, мимо своје воље. Као архијереј најпре становаше у манастиру Тврдошу, и одатле као пастир добри утврђиваше стадо своје у вери православној, чувајући га од свирепства турског и лукавства латинског. А када би и сувише притешњен непријатељима, и када Тврдош би разорен од Турака, пресели се Василије у Острог, где се тврдо подвизаваше ограђујући стадо своје безпрестаним и топлим молитвама својим. Престави се мирно Господу, у XVI веку, оставивши своје целе и целебне мошти, неиструлеле и чудотворне до дана данашњега. Чудеса на гробу св. Василија су безбројна. К његовим моштима притичу и хришћани и муслимани, и налазе исцелења у најтежим болестима и мукама својим. Велики народни сабор у Острогу бива сваке године о Тројицама.