Dear St. Luke Parishioners and Friends, A recent volcano eruption in Guatemala has taken many lives and caused significant financial damage to this already impoverished nation. One of our parishioners, who is in Guatemala...
Сходно одлуци Св. Архијерејског Синода (Акт Бр. 1436), а по благослову Његовог Преосвештенства Епископа источноамеричког г. Иринеја (Е. Бр. 534), објављујемо позив Представништва Републике Српске свим грађанима БиХ који живе на територији наше парохије...
Congratulations to our parishioner Dr. Xenia Vujnovich Wilkinson on this great honor bestowed upon her and descendants of the participants of the Halyard Mission in which over 500 U.S. and Allied airmen were rescued...
Congratulations to the newly elected board of the Serbian Singing Society “Lira”! President: Colleen Bizic Vice President: Mirjana Milosevic Marden Secretary: Vera Naela El-Hinnawy Treasurer: Matthew Marcetich Audit Board: Hon. Branko Terzic, Natalie Visnick,...
Save the Date! The Day the Serbian Flag Flew at the White House: A Centennial Commemoration With the blessings of the Episcopal Council of the Serbian Orthodox Church in North and South America, His...
Dear St. Luke Parishioners and Friends, This past weekend, our parish festival – SerbFest DC – was indeed an impressive display of Christian love and fellowship. The unofficial metrics of the festival are in...
Српска школа “Никола Тесла” Срдачно Вас позива на прославу своје Крсне славе Светог цара Константина и царице Јелене у суботу, 2. јуна 2017. године. ПРОГРАМ: 17:00 часова – Вечерње са благосиљањем славског колача...
Our St. Luke choir is reorganizing to become a member of the Serbian Singing Federation and expanding its repertoire to include all Serbian traditional music both sacred and secular. The choir will have a short...