We are grateful to Joyce Visnick for preparing the zhito for the General Memorial Serice. Thank you to Nina and Slavko Lojanica for preparing a traditional Vidovdan Dinner. We owe gratitude to Milenko Bogajcevic...
Dear Saint Luke Parishioners, Dear Friends, We are sad to inform you that our church was broken into early Thursday morning. The perpetrator tried to break into the cashbox mounted on the wall next...
At the request of one of our parishioners, we share the following job opportunity with you: The Library of Congress is looking to hire a qualified librarian in the Southeast Europe Section, Germanic &...
Congratulations to our parishioner Svetlana Rogic on organizing in Belgrade a photography exhibition on the religious and cultural heritage of Serbia! +++ Честитамо нашој парохијанки Светлани Рогић на организовању изложбе фотографија о верском и...
Документарни филм Теслин Народ редитеља Жељка Мирковића, рађен је у копродукцији Optimistic филма и Радио Телевизије Србије. Позивамо вас на пројекцију филма Теслин Народ – у среду 15 јуна у 19:00 у сали Српске...
Sunday, June 5th, 2022 at the Divine Liturgy (begins at 10:00 A.M. and the icon will be brought to church in procession following the Prayer behind the Ambo) +++ недеља, 5. јун 2022. на...