We are pleased to inform you that the livestreaming of our church services has been restored. We owe immense debt of gratitude to our parishioner Vladimir Mitrovic who generously donated the necessary equipment and...
Dear Fellow Parishioners & Friends – First and foremost, I would like to thank everyone for their response to the e-mail we sent out about SerbFest DC earlier this month…the response was exceptional, and...
Dear Chess Enthusiasts, We are excited to invite you to our 1st Easter Chess Tournament which will take place on May 11th at 10am in the Church Hall. All levels welcomed! Depending on number of...
Поштовани парохијани, после Васкршње Свете Литургије у недељу 5. маја,позивамо вас учествујете у такмичењу за најљепше украшено Васкршње јаје, као иу лову на јаја за децу! Моћи ћете да уживате у кифлицама, питама, штрудлама,...
We are pleased to inform you that our new children’s playground will be fully functional for Vrbica. Following the Vespers service and the Palm & Willow procession at 4:00 PM, we will bless the...
At the request of one of our parishioners, we are sharing with you the following information: Драги пријатељи, Позивамо вас на годишњи хуманитарни турнир “Више од игре“ у 3-3 баскету. Ове године се турнир...
We are pleased to inform you that due to the generosity of a donor, who would like to remain anonymous, we now have new candle-lighting stands. The new area for candle lighting has been...
At the request of our parishioner Mrs. Drina Rajic of the Office of Republic of Srpska in Washington, DC, we are sharing with you the following information: Dear Sir/Madam, You are cordially invited to...
Захваљујући залагању и стручној подршци визуалне уметнице Дајане Даглас, ученици Српске школе “Никола Тесла” ће имати изложене радове у Блек Рок уметничком центру у Џермантауну, у оквиру Уметничког месеца младих и изложбе “Здравље планете”....