Photo Gallery: 2023 – End-of-the-Year Program +++ Албум фотографија: Дечији програм за крај школске године 2023.
Photo Gallery: 2023 – Pentecost and Slava of the Serbian School +++ Албум фотографија: Духови и Слава Српске школе 2023.
Children’s Summer Camp +++ Дечији летњи камп
This year, once again, our Diocese is organizing a Summer Camp for children on the diocesan Camp Grounds in Shadeland. There are still places available for both boys and girls. Detailed information and application...
Let us help our brothers and sisters in Kosovo and Metohija +++ Помозимо браћу и сестре на Косову и Метохији
At the request of Goran Milosavljevic, a great friend and benefactor of our church, we invite our parishioners and all people of good will to help our brothers and sisters in Urosevac (Kosovo and...
Free Stove +++ Бесплатан шпорет
Our parishioner Andrija Predic is generously offering a fully functioning gas stove to our parishioners. It is a 30″ stove with 5 burners. If you are in need of a stove, please contact Andrija...
Update on our new Iconostasis, Icons, Thrones, and Altar +++ Новости о нашем новом иконостасу, иконама, троновима и Часном престолу
Dear Saint Luke Parishioners, Dear Friends, We are pleased to inform you that the iconostasis, icons, thrones, and the altar table have been finished and are being loaded into a shipping container in Serbia...
The Celebration of the Icon of Mother of God “Trojerucica” in our Parish +++ Прослава празника иконе Тројеручице у нашој парохији
Dear St. Luke Parishioners, Dear Friends, The icon of the Mother of God “Trojerucica” was festively brought to our parish on the first Sunday of June 2022. This coming Sunday will be the first...
Књижевно вече Драгане Аргировић +++ An Evening of Poetry of Dragana Argirovic
At the request of one of our parishioners, we are sharing the following information +++ На молбу једне наше парохијанке, прослеђујемо вам следеће информације
Слава Српске школе и завршна представа +++ Slava of the Serbian School and the end-of-the-year children’s program
You are cordially invited to the Slava Celebration of the Serbian School “Nikola Tesla” on Sunday, June 4th Divine Liturgy at 10:00 A.M. followed by Slava Blessing and Parish Luncheon and Children’s Performance at...