Help needed +++ Потребна помоћ
At the request of a parishioner, we are sharing with you the following appeal and information: Viktor Putica is a toddler from Serbia. He was born with Epidermolysis Bullosa, which is a rare genetic...

End-of-Year Donations +++ Донације за крај године
Dear Brothers and Sisters, With the end of the year quickly approaching, we would like to take this opportunity to ask you all to please remember our St. Luke parish when deciding on your...

We invite all our children to join us this coming Sunday, December 17th at the Divine Liturgy. Following the Liturgy, we will welcome St. Nicholas who will distribute gifts to our children. A heartfelt...
Fr. Vasilije’s Report for Annual Assembly 2023

2023 Annual Assembly Package +++ Извештаји и документа за Годишњу скупштину парохије 2023. године
Download HERE +++ Преузмите ОВДЕ

New Reliquary in our Church +++ Нови кивот у нашој цркви
We are pleased to inform you that our church acquired a new reliquary for the relics of Saint Thecla, the Protomartyr and Equal-to-the-Apostles, and Saint Barbara the Greatmartyr. The reliquary is made in sterling...

Омладински клуб +++ Youth Club
Позивамо све средњошколце, који су заинтересовани да се упишу у Омладински клуб да дођу на састанак у недељу, 10. децембра у 18:00 часова у нашу цркву. За све додатне информације обратите се Милици Божић...