Dear Saint Luke Parishioners, Dear Friends, We are pleased to inform you that the iconostasis, icons, thrones, and the altar table have been finished and are being loaded into a shipping container in Serbia...
Dear St. Luke Parishioners, Dear Friends, The icon of the Mother of God “Trojerucica” was festively brought to our parish on the first Sunday of June 2022. This coming Sunday will be the first...
At the request of one of our parishioners, we are sharing the following information +++ На молбу једне наше парохијанке, прослеђујемо вам следеће информације
You are cordially invited to the Slava Celebration of the Serbian School “Nikola Tesla” on Sunday, June 4th Divine Liturgy at 10:00 A.M. followed by Slava Blessing and Parish Luncheon and Children’s Performance at...
Today, we discovered that our church email system is not working properly and that email addresses and groups ending with the “” extension do not receive all emails. We are grateful to our IT...
Saturday, May 20 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm: Live Tamburitza Music by Orkestar Pobeda (Pittsburgh, PA) 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm: Performance by Serbian Folklore Group KUD ‘Avala’ from Holy Trinity Serbian Orthodox Church...
Са великом тугом вас обавештавамо да ће данас у среду, 3. маја у 16:30 часова бити одржан помен за све жртве данашњег напада на школу у Београду Нека им је вечан спомен! +++ It...
Join us in the celebration of Saint George: – Friday, May 5th at 7:00 P.M. – Great Vespers with the Blessing of Loaves – Saturday, May 6th at 9:00 A.M. – Divine Liturgy Slava blessings...