Виртуелна Васкршња Дечија радионица Српске школе “Никола Тесла”

A Summons to Prayer from Bishop Irinej +++ Позив Владике Иринеја на молитву

Dear St. Luke Parishioners, Dear Friends, I greet you in the Lord, wishing you blessed upcoming feast of the Resurrection of our God and Savior Jesus Christ! It is with great sadness that we...

Important Announcements +++ Важна обавештења
Dear brothers and sisters, As we are entering the last days of the Holy Week, many parishioners have contacted me about receiving Holy Communion. The Divine Liturgy will be celebrated every day from Holy...

Easter Message from President of Trusteeship +++ Васкршња порука Председника Поверенства

Fr. Vasilije’s Message at Easter 2020 +++ Васкршња порука о. Василија

Important Information about Holy Week +++ Важне информације о Великој недељи
Dear St. Luke Parishioners, As we are approaching Easter and the Covid-19 guidelines are still in place, I would like to share with you some important information. If you have a need for confession,...

Talk about Faith with Fr. Vasilije: On the meaning of Holy Week +++ Разговор о вери за одрасле са о. Василијем: O значењу Велике седмице
Fr. Vasilije Vranic is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: Discussion on Holy Week with Fr. VasilijeTime: Apr 15, 2020 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meetinghttps://us04web.zoom.us/j/218202710 Meeting ID:...

Join us for our Online Vrbica Children’s Retreat 2020 +++ Придружите нам се у Дечијој радионици за Врбицу 2020. на интернету
Dear Friends, Today is Vrbica – Lazarus Saturday, when we usually have our Vrbica Children’s Retreat. This year, due to the epidemic of the new coronavirus our Retreat had to be cancelled. But, we...