In an effort to further understand and respond to the specific mental health needs of all Orthodox clergy and faithful, the Hierarchs of the Assembly of Orthodox Bishops in the United States of America (of which the Serbian Orthodox Church is a member) are now conducting a comprehensive anonymous survey:
• The Needs Assessment Survey can be accessed HERE;
• The survey is completely anonymous and takes about 15 minutes to complete
• Both clergy and the faithful age 18 and older are asked to complete the survey
by June 15, 2021;
• All faithful are invited to complete the survey, regardless of their experience with
mental health or their level of engagement with the Church; and
• Data collected from the survey will be analyzed by the Task Force to create
mental health related resources that reflect our Orthodox praxis and theological
We would also like to once again bring to your attention the Directory of Orthodox Mental Health Professionals, which was compiled by the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops:
Furthermore, we invite all mental health professionals in our parish who wish to be included in this Directory to fill out the application FORM BY CLICKING HERE.