Sacraments and Blessings
Blessings of Infants
Forty days after birth, a child and its mother come to church to receive a 40 Day Blessing, imitating Christ who was presented in the Temple 40 days after He was born. Please call Fr. Vasilije at 202-492-0492 to arrange this blessing.
Please call Fr. Vasilije at 202-492-0492 to schedule Baptisms.
Keep in mind that there should be only one Godparent who is an Orthodox Christian and over 18 years of age. We ask that the Godparent provides to Fr. Vasilije in advance a copy of the Certificate of his/her Baptism (electronic copy/scan is acceptable).
Things needed for Baptism:
- One large candle (Slava size)
- Large (white) bath towel
- A white piece of clothing for the baptized to be ritually dressed in
- Optional: pendant cross to be blessed during Baptism
In accordance with the Decision of the Holy Synod of Bishops of the Serbian Orthodox
Church No. 6/Min. 90, of May 22, 2007, and based on Canon 39 of the Holy Apostles,
and Canon 57 of the Council of Laodicea, all weddings in the Serbian Orthodox Diocese of Eastern America require the blessing and approval of our Bishop.
The following documents are necessary for the approval of the Bishop:
a) Marriage Form (DOWNLOAD HERE – click on the yellow button in the left margin);
b) Statement of Affirmation for Mixed Marriages (DOWNLOAD HERE – click on the yellow button in the left margin);
c) Administrative Fee in the amount of $110.00 (one hundred and ten) – two checks $100 and $10 payable to Diocese of Eastern America, Serbian Orthodox Church;
d) The appropriate tariff for each dispensation for mixed marriage and/or the non-Orthodox Second Witness (please, talk to Fr. Vasilije at 202-492-0492 for more information).
Confessions are regularly heard on Saturday evenings immediately following the Vespers service and can also be arranged by appointment. Please call Fr. Vasilije (202-492-0492) to schedule Confession.
Ministry to Persons Who Are Sick
Orthodox Christians who would like to receive Holy Sacraments but are unable to attend church (hospitalized or at home) should contact the church office so Holy Sacraments can be administered to them. Please inform Fr. Vasilije at 202-492-0492 if your loved one is hospitalized!
Memorial Services
Memorial Services are offered for the eternal rest of persons who have fallen asleep in the Lord. Customarily, these services are offered at 40 days, at 6 months, at 1 year and then annually thereafter. Also, Orthodox Christians are encouraged to commemorate their departed loved ones on Zadušnice (Saturdays of the Souls) throughout the year. Please, refer to the church calendar for the dates.
End of Life Issues
The Right to a Proper Funeral
It is an honor to have a church funeral. When the funeral does not take place at the church it indicates that someone has not passed away from this life in peace with the Church. Sometimes out of convenience, we consider omitting a church funeral for our loved ones, not realizing that we are depriving them of their right to be honored. Let us honor our parents and relatives with the respect they deserve!
About Cremation
Orthodox Christians believe that in the General Resurrection, our bodies and souls will be restored to each other. Cremation is the deliberate desecration and destruction of what God has made, and is viewed as the denial of the Resurrection.