Charitable Fundraiser “Trojka iz bloka” +++ Хуманитарна акција “Тројка из Блока”
At the request of our parishioners, we share with you the following information about a fundraiser organized by the charitable organization “Serbs for Serbs” +++ На молбу наших парохијана, делимо са вама информације о...
Parish Luncheons on Sundays +++ Недељни парохијски ручкови
Dear Saint Luke Parishioners, We are elated to inform you that our Parish Luncheons on Sundays following the Divine Liturgy are back! After two years of various restrictions, we will be returning to normal in...
New Liturgical Covers +++ Нови дарци (покровци за свештене сасуде)
We owe tremendous gratitude to Reader John Buffalini for donating two sets of liturgical covers in purple and green to our church. The covers arrived just in time, since purple covers are used during...
Memory eternal to our parishioner +Gostimir Rajic +++ Вечан спомен нашем парохијанину +Гостимиру Рајићу
It is with great sadness that we inform you of the passing of our parishioner +Gostimir Rajic. We remember his tremendous kindness and love for our church and community. Pomen and Visitation will be...
Resolutions of 2022 Diocesan Assembly +++ Саопштење са Епархијске скупштине 2022.
Confession and Communion during Great Lent +++ Исповест и причешће током Часног поста
Dear Saint Luke Parishioners, During the Great and Holy Lent, I will be hearing confessions after every service. Please, check the Calendar on our website often for updates on services times. In order to...
Pan-Orthodox Vespers for Sunday of Orthodoxy +++ Свеправославно Вечерње за Недељу Православља
This year’s Pan-Orthodox Vespers will be hosted by St. Mark Orthodox Church at 7124 River Rd, Bethesda, MD. Vespers will begin at 5:30 P.M. Homilist: His Beatitude Metropolitan Tikhon of the Orthodox Church in America...
Sunday of Orthodoxy +++ Недеља Православља
Dear Parishioners, This coming Sunday is the Sunday of Orthodoxy, when we celebrate the victory of Orthodoxy by making a procession around the church carrying icons. We invite all children in our parish to...