We are pleased to inform you that the reliquary for the relics of the three Holy Great-martyrs, Demetrius of Thessaloniki, George the Victorious, and Theodore the Tyro, has arrived. It was blessed today before the Divine Liturgy. Following the service, the relics have been placed into the reliquary.
Са задовољством вас обавештавамо да је стигао кивот за мошти света три Великомученика, Димитрија Солунског, Георгија Победоносца и Теодора Тирона. Кивот је освећен данас пре Литургије. По завршетлку Свете Литургије мошти су положене у моштаник.
The reliquary has been donated by a number of parishioners/ Дародавци за кивот су:
- Anastasia and Scott Rushing
- Emilija Becic
- Subdeacon Dejan Bujak
- Branko Cerovcevic
- Boris Cinco
- Ivana Ciric and Teona Vasalic
- Dejan Djurdjevic
- Ivan Djordjevic
- Elizabeth Harris
- Nikola Jankovic
- Aleksandar Krsmanovic
- Petar Ladjic
- Marina Micic
- Jelena Peric
- Fr. Milisa Petronijevic
- Fr. Vasilije, Jelena, Petar, and Mila Vranic