Dessert Sign Up:
We need bakers to make homemade desserts (kolachi/cookie/cakes etc.) that we can sell at SerbFest. If you love to bake, please make sure to sign up! If you would like to make more than one type of dessert, just resubmit the form at the end or fill the form out again for each type of dessert. All we ask is that you bring your desserts to St Luke Church by Friday, October 1st, so we can assemble and package the assortments for sale. If you have any questions, please contact me, Ana, Nina, or Nena.
Dessert Sign Up HERE
Volunteer Sign Up:
We kindly invite all our parishioners and people of good will to become members of the SerbFest Fall 2021 Team by volunteering for one or more festival posts. Volunteers SignUp is
Volunteer Sign Up HERE