All of them were soldiers in the Roman army and steadfastly believed in the Lord Jesus. When the persecution of Christians began during the reign of Licinius, they were brought to trial before the commander. When he threatened to strip them of their honor as soldiers, one of them, St. Candidus, responded: “Take away from us not only the honor of being soldiers but also our bodies, for nothing is more dear or honorable to us than Christ our God.” After that, the commander ordered his servants to stone the holy martyrs. While the servants were hurling stones at the Christians, the stones turned and fell back on the servants, forcefully striking them. One of the stones struck the commander’s face and knocked out his teeth. The torturers, angry as wild beasts, bound all of the holy martyrs and threw them into the lake. They then stationed a guard around the lake to prevent any of them from escaping. There was a terrible frost, and the lake froze around the bodies of the martyrs. To increase their pain and suffering, and to persuade even one of them to deny Christ and acknowledge the idols of Rome, the torturers heated and illumined a bath by the side of the lake in sight of the frozen martyrs. Indeed, one of them was persuaded. He came out of the water and entered the bath. And behold, from heaven there appeared an extraordinary light, which warmed the water in the lake and the bodies of the martyrs. With that light, thirty-nine wreaths descended from heaven over their heads. Upon seeing this, a guard on the shore removed all his clothes, confessed the name of the Lord Jesus and entered the lake so that he could become worthy of the fortieth wreath in place of the betrayer. Indeed, the last wreath descended upon him. The next day the entire town was astonished when they saw that the martyrs were still alive. Then the wicked judges ordered that the lower part of their legs be broken and their bodies thrown into the water so that the Christians could not recover them. On the third day the martyrs appeared to Peter, the local bishop, and summoned him to gather their relics and remove them from the water The bishop with his clergy went out in the dark of night and beheld the relics of the martyrs shining brightly in the water. Every bone which was separated from their bodies floated to the top and glowed like a candle. Bishop Peter gathered and honorably buried them. The souls of these martyrs went to the Lord Jesus, Who suffered for all of us and resurrected with glory. They suffered honorably and were crowned with unfading glory in the year 320 A.D.



Сви ови беху војници у римској војсци но вероваху тврдо у Господа Исуса. Када наста гоњење у време Ликинија, они бише изведени на суд пред војводу, и овај им запрети одузети част војничку, на што одговори један од њих, свети Кандид: „Не само част војничку, но и тела наша узми од нас; ништа нам није драже и чесније од Христа Бога нашега“. После тога нареди војвода слугама да камењем бију свете мученике. Но када слуге бацаху камење на хришћане, камење се враћаше и падаше на њих саме, те љуто их изудара. Један камен паде војводи на лице и скрши му зубе. Мучитељи, љути као зверови, везаше свете мученике и бацише их у језеро, и поставише стражу унаоколо, да ниједан не изађе. Беше страшан мраз, и језеро се леђаше около тела мученичких. Да би муке биле јаче, мучитељи загрејаше и осветлише купатило украј језера, на доглед замрзнутим страдалцима, не би ли како прелестили кога од њих да се одрекне Христа и призна идоле римске. Заиста, један се прелести, изађе из воде и уђе у купатило. Но гле, ноћу паде необична светлост с неба, која разгреја воду у језеру и тела мученика, а с том светлошћу спустише се с неба тридесетдевет венаца на главе њихове. То виде један стражар с обале, па се свуче, исповеди име Господа Исуса, и уђе у језеро, да би се он удостојио оног четрдесетога венца место издајника. И заиста, на њега сиђе тај последњи венац. Сутрадан изненади се цео град кад виде мученике живе. Тада зле судије наредише те им пребише голени, и бацише тела њихова у воду, да их хришћани не узму. Трећега дана јавише се мученици месном епископу Петру и позваше га да сабере по води и извади мошти њихове. Изађе епископ по тамној ноћи са клиром својим, и видеше на води где се светле мошти мученичке. И свака кост која беше одвојена од тела њихових, исплива на површину и светљаше се као свећа. Покупише их и чесно сахранише. А душе ових мученика одоше Господу Исусу, намученом за све нас, и васкрслом са славом. Чесно пострадаше и непролазном славом се увенчаше 320. године.