We are pleased to invite you to the lecture of our parishioner and an eminent art historian, Prof. Dr. Ljubica Popovic on Sunday, March 17 following the Divine Liturgy. The lecture will be held...
It is our great pleasure to invite you to our March candle making workshop. This is truly a unique opportunity to experience a grace of this traditional technique, since only a few churches in the whole world...
Дајана Даглас, мастер ликовни уметник и иконописац, након одрзане Божићне и Светосавске креативне радионице исред Српске школе “Никола Тесла” у цркви Светог Луке, организује радионицу за припрему ликовних радова за конкурс који је организовала...
We are very grateful to our parishioner Milena Mijuskovic for kindly agreeing to share with our parishioners her knowledge and skill in making Orthodox prayer ropes (brojanice). Milena learned this skill in the renowned...