Српска школа “Никола Тесла” Срдачно Вас позива на прославу своје Крсне славе Светог цара Константина и царице Јелене у суботу, 8. juna 2019. године. ПРОГРАМ: 17:00 часова – Вечерње са благосиљањем славског колача18:00 часова...
With great joy we invite all our teachers, students, parents, and all parishioners to celebrate with us the end of another successful school year on Sunday, June 9. That day the certificates of accomplishment...
As we are approaching the end of the school year, I would like to convey greetings and archpastoral blessings of our Bishop Irinej to all our parishioners who are successfully ending their studies and...
Due to a church event taking place on Saturday, May 18th, the parking of Sts. Peter and Paul Antiochian Church will be unavailable to SerbFest DC guests. We kindly ask you to park in the grass...
Хуманитарна организација Срби за Србе већ пуних 14 година помаже угроженим српским породицама са пуно деце широм Балкана, а посебно повратничким породицама на Косову и Метохији и у Крајини.До сада је организација са прикупљених...
Our parishioner +James Jimmy Wood has been laid to rest a year after his untimely repose. А memorial service – Pomen was served today for his soul as he was laid to rest with...
It is with great joy that we inform you that the loan with John Marshall Bank has been signed and is effective immediately. After several months of very hard work and much effort, our Trusteeship...
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