Дечија фолклорна група “Прело” при цркви Св. Луке почиње са радом у новој школској години и позива сву заинтересовану децу која воле да играју традиционална српска кола да се придруже. Дечија фолклорна група “Прело” прима...
Дечији хор ”Лира” при цркви Св. Луке почиње са радом у новој школској години и позива сву заинтересовану децу која воле да певају да се придруже. Дечији хор прима децу узраста од 8-15 година...
We are pleased to inform you that the entertainment at our upcoming SerbFest will provided by the famous Kalca Band. Join us for a weekend of fellowship! +++ Са задовољством вас обавештавамо да ће...
We owe an immense debt of gratitude to Ivan Ilijoski and his company IMT Design LLC for the marvelous job in installing our iconostasis and other furnishings in our church! Over the course of...
We are pleased to invite you to the screening of the new movie about the world-famous Serbian scientist – Nikola Tesla. The movie was produced by the Museum of Nikola Tesla in Belgrade. It...
We invite all our children to join us this coming Sunday, October 1st at the traditional Back-to-School Parish Picnic. The picnic will take place following the Divine Liturgy which begins at 10:00 A.M. All...
In June of this year, our Church collected donations for the Serbian Orthodox Church in Urosevac in Kosovo and Metohija. The collected funds were intended for the acquisition of a wood-carved throne for the...