Прослава школске славе Светог цара Константина и царице Јелене и приредба за крај школске године Драги парохијани, Српска школа ”Никола Тесла” вас срдачно позива 2. јуна на прославу школске славе Светог цара Константина и...
We are pleased to inform you of the arrival of our newest parishioner, Jefimija Vilimanovic, who was born today, on May 25. Baby and Mom are doing well! Heartfelt congratulations to the new parents...
At the request of one of our parishioners, we share with you the following information +++ На молбу једног нашег парохијанина, делимо са вама следеће информације:
Saturday, May 18 Bozo Matovic & Danijel Okilj from Harrisburg, PA live from 12 noon – 11 pm Sunday, May 19 Orkestar Pobeda from Pittsburgh, PA live from 12 noon – 6 pm Come...
New at SerbFest DC: Online Ordering! 1. Order online for eat-in at the festival or for curbside pickup. 2. Order at serb-fest-food.square.site. We look forward to seeing you this weekend…dobro nam došli! +++ Ново на...
Parking Information for SerbFest DC: 1. Parking will be available at Saints Peter & Paul Antiochian Orthodox Church throughout the weekend. 2. Our parking lot will be closed…please do not try and enter…if...
We are pleased to inform you that one of our parishioners, Dr. Jelena Lasio will offer her cosmetic creams for sale at our upcoming Serb Fest fundraiser. The creams are based on highly effective vitamin...