We are pleased to inform you that the reliquary for the relics of the three Holy Great-martyrs, Demetrius of Thessaloniki, George the Victorious, and Theodore the Tyro, has arrived. It was blessed today before...
Dear Saint Luke Parishioners, Dear friends, As Orthodox Christians we are called to live a life of constant thanksgiving to God. Every Divine Liturgy is a thanksgiving service. Today, I would like to take...
Please, plan on attending the regular Annual Assembly of our Parish on Sunday, December 22nd , 2024 following the Divine Liturgy. More information to follow. +++ Молимо вас да планирате да учествујете у Годишњој...
Драги парохијани, Извињавамо се због велике паузе… Снимили смо 3 разговора у протеклих неколико мјесеци, али нисмо имали времена да их технички обрадимо све до сада… Погледајте разговор са Снежаном Исаиловић: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-jFlRi43vWlBkBScQy6mYwrvVViqLvkL За пар...
Дечији хор ”Лира” и Фолклорна група ”Прело” отварају упис за текућу школску годину. Уколико сте заинтересовани, молимо да што пре попуните формуларе за пријављивање. Групе почињу са радом у петак 22. новембра. Проба хора,...
Our Parish’s Annual Fall “New to You” Yard Sale is around the corner! Saint Luke Serbian Orthodox Church is excited to announce our next New to You Sale which will be held on Saturday,...