Божићна посланица +++ Christmas Encyclical

Archpastoral Christmas Message +++ Архипастирска Божићна порука

Fr. Vasilije’s Christmas Message +++ Божићна порука о. Василија

Pickled Cabbage for Sale +++ Кисели купус на продају
Dear Parishioners & Friends, We wanted to inform you that our Parish has prepared homemade kiseli kupus/pickled cabbage for sale. * Kiseli kupus will be sold by the head at $5 per pound (heads...

Reminder: Christmas Bake Sale +++ Подсетник: Божићна продаја пецива
ORDER HERE +++ ПОРУЧИТЕ ОВДЕ Thank you to Nena Djokic for organizing this year’s Christmas Bake Sale! Details: 1. All items are pre-order only with a limited quantity of items available for day-of sales....

Request for Help +++ Позив за помоћ
Dear Saint Luke Parishioners,Dear Friends, We are pleased to inform you that the Phase 2 of our fresco project is now complete. We are grateful to all who supported our Beautification Project through many...

Saint Sava Children’s Program: Invitation to Participate +++ Позив за учешће у дечијем програму за Светог Саву
Dear Saint Luke Parishioners, Dear Friends, We wholeheartedly invite you to this year’s Saint Sava children’s celebration, which will take place on Sunday, January 26th. That day we will celebrate the Divine Liturgy at...