We are pleased to inform you that our altar stained-glass window has arrived. It was installed today following the Divine Liturgy, on New Year’s Day when we celebrate the feast of Circumcision of our...
Our parishioner Prof. Dr. Sava Samuel Mikolaski is celebrating his 102nd birthday this year. He shared the joy of this milestone with us, his parish family. We congratulate him and wish him many more...
We are pleased to inform you that our church has received a new shipment of venerating icons. As we announced last year, we are hoping to acquire venerating icons all of the same Orthodox...
Са задовољством вас обавештавамо да ће у следећу суботу, 18. јануара 2025. чувени гуслар Ђорђије Копривица одржати концерт у сали наше цркве са почетко у 20:00 часова. Улазнице су бесплатне, а на крају концерта...
Save-the-Date SVETOSAVSKA AKADEMIJA A Celebration of St. Sava Saturday, February 1st, 2025 at Social Hall of Saints Peter & Paul Antiochian Orthodox Church 10620 River Road, Potomac, MD, 20854 More information in the near...