Call for Help +++ Позив за помоћ
At the request of one of our parishioners, we are sharing the following campaign with you. +++ На молбу једне наше парохијанке, делимо са вама позив за помоћ, који се налази испод. CLICK ON...
At the request of one of our parishioners, we are sharing the following campaign with you. +++ На молбу једне наше парохијанке, делимо са вама позив за помоћ, који се налази испод. CLICK ON...
Serbian Singing Society ”Lira” is proud to announce its Inaugural Annual Concert on Saturday, February 22, 2025 at 6:00 PM at the St. Luke Serbian Orthodox Church. The Honored Guest Choir will be SSS...
Our Church choir Lira is celebrating its Slava (Holy Three Hierarchs) and organizing parish luncheon after the Holy Liturgy. We sincerely hope that everybody will be able to join us and support our ministry...