Email Scam ++++ Превара Email
Dear Saint Luke Parishioners,Dear Friends, I have been informed that someone is impersonating me via email and asking for gift cards and personal donations. The email address is only similar to mine, and they...
Dear Saint Luke Parishioners,Dear Friends, I have been informed that someone is impersonating me via email and asking for gift cards and personal donations. The email address is only similar to mine, and they...
We are pleased to inform you that our fundraising effort to benefit the Association of Blind People of Serbia has successfully reached completion. The funds which were raised were used to purchase 214 specialized...
Драга браћо и сестре, На светли празник Богојављења прослављамо дан када је Христос крштен у реци Јордану од Св. Јована Крститеља. Тога дана сâм Бог је осветио јорданску воду својим крштењем у њој. Као успомену на...
We welcome Mr. Alek Mikasinovic as the new Master of Ceremonies for our Saint Sava Celebration! Alek is an esteemed member of our community and we are grateful to him for kindly accepting this...
We are very grateful to our Saint Sava Celebration Team for planning a wonderful evening for all our guests. If you are willing to help us in the organization of the evening by volunteering...