Giving Tuesday +++ Дан даривања
Please consider supporting our St. Luke Serbian Orthodox Church of Washington, DC on this #GivingTuesday. This is also a great moment to keep your church in mind for any donations you were planning to give...
Please consider supporting our St. Luke Serbian Orthodox Church of Washington, DC on this #GivingTuesday. This is also a great moment to keep your church in mind for any donations you were planning to give...
Драги парохијани цркве Св. Луке, Позивамо вас да узмете учешћа у годишњој скупштини која ће се одржати у недељу, 22. децембра 2024 г. у наставку Свете Литургије (око 12:00 часова). РАСПОРЕД 1. Молитва2. Читање записника са...
Serbian Singing Society Lira will be hosting their Fundraising Luncheon on Sunday, December 8, right after Liturgy. Please come and show your support for your Saint Luke Choir! Bring a friend and enjoy a delicious...
We are pleased to inform you that the reliquary for the relics of the three Holy Great-martyrs, Demetrius of Thessaloniki, George the Victorious, and Theodore the Tyro, has arrived. It was blessed today before...