SSS Lira & Children’s Choir – Тропар Божића +++ Troparion of the Nativity (Christmas Concert)

Christmas Encyclical +++ Божићна посланица

Archpastoral Christmas Message +++ Aрхипастирска божићна порука

SSS Lira & Children’s Choir – Ој, Бадњаче +++ Oj, Badnjače (Christmas Concert)

Candle Lighting on Christmas Eve +++ Прислуживање свећа на Бадње вече
We pleased to inform our parishioners that we have a new dedicated area for candle lighting for the Christmas holidays. It’s purpose is to provide more space to our parishioners, while at the same...

SSS Lira & Children’s Choir – Божић +++ Božić (Christmas Concert)

Christmas Eve Parking +++ Паркирање за Бадње вече
We are grateful to our neighbors at Saints Peter and Paul Antiochian Church for making their parking lot available to our parishioners on Christmas Eve. When coming to church for Badnje veče, please park...

SSS Lira & Children’s Choir – Auld Lang Syne (Christmas Concert)

Christmas Eve Dinner +++ Вечера за Бадње вече
We are pleased to inform you that we will serve the traditional Christmas Eve Dinner at our church hall following the Christmas Vigil. The dinner will begin following the blessing of Badnjak (Serbian Yule...
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