Photo Gallery: Blessing of Badnjak and Nativity Matins +++ Албум фотографија: Благосиљање Бадњака и Божићно Јутрење

Photo Gallery: Preparations for the Nativity of our Lord +++ Албум фотографија: Припреме за Божић

Register Now! National Youth Town Hall – February 23, 2022

2022 Orthodox Gathering at the “March for Life” +++ 2022. Православни скуп на “Маршу за живот”
We are pleased to inform you that His Grace Bishop Irinej of Eastern America will be leading this year’s “March for Life” together with other Orthodox Hierarchs. The gathering will take place on Friday,...

Prayers for our Patriarch Porfirije +++ Молитве за нашег Патријарха Порфирија
We kindly ask you keep His Holiness our Patriarch Porfirije in your prayers as he is ill with Covid. More information HERE. +++ Молимо вас да у наредним данима помињете у својим молитвама нашег...


Hierarchical Divine Liturgy on January 20th (Saint John the Baptist) – Света Архијерејска Литургија 20. јануара (Јовањдан)
We are pleased to inform you that His Grace our Bishop Irinej of Eastern America will visit our parish and celebrate the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy on Thursday, January 20th at 9:00 A.M. We kindly...

2022 Theophany Swimming for the Holy Cross +++ Богојављенско пливање за Часни Крст 2022. године
This year, we will once again meet for our the traditional Theophany swimming for the Holy and Life-giving Cross on Wednesday, Januаry 19th, 2022. Following the Divine Liturgy with the Great Blessing of Waters...