Photo Gallery of the Fresco Installation Preparations +++ Албум фотографија припреме за постављање фреске

Installation of the fresco Christ the Pantocrator has begun +++ Постављање фреске Христа Пандократора је почело
We are very pleased to inform you that the installation of the fresco of Christ the Pantocrator in the dome of our church has begun. The scaffolding has been installed last night. Our frescographer...

Zurka DC Volunteer Sign Up +++ Пријава за волонтере на Ди Си Журци
We kindly ask our parishioners and friends to consider volunteering some of their time at the Zurka D.C. this coming Saturday, October 23rd. If you are willing and able to help us out, please use...


Church Slava 2021 +++ Слава цркве 2021. године
Church Slava: Holy Apostle and Evangelist Luke Sunday, October 31, 2021 at 10:00 A.M. Hierarchical Divine Liturgy and Blessing of the Slava Followed by the festal Slava luncheon (reservations needed – see the link below)...

Ди Си Журка – Опет! – D.C. Zurka! Repeat
D.C. ZURKA IS BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND! Join us on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 23rd, 2021 from 6:00-11:00pm * Free admission* Cash bar for food (Čevapi!) & drinks* Live music with the DC Electric Band* Everything...

Информације од Српске школе “Никола Тесла” +++ Communication from the Serbian School “Nikola Tesla”
Драги родитељи, Хвала вам што сте уписом свог детета указали поверење Српској школи ”Никола Тесла” и нашим учитељима волонтерима. Након скоро годину и по дана са поносом желимо да вас обавестимо да ће ове...

Dear Parishioners & Friends, I am writing to thank you all for your support of last weekend’s parish festival; everyone who attended helped make SerbFest DC a great success once again. We appreciate your patronage...

A new way to support your church +++ Нови начин да помогнете своју цркву
We are pleased to introduce to you a novel way to support our Saint Luke Serbian Orthodox Church! Our trusted internet financial service – EFT, makes it much easier to our parishioners to support our...