Patriarchal Encyclical at Christmas

Archpastoral Christmas Message +++ Архијерејска Божићна порука

Badnjak Decoration +++ Украшавање Бадњака
On Sunday, January 5th, following the Divine Liturgy, many children of St. Luke Serbian Orthodox Church have gathered to decorate this year’s Badnjak. We are very grateful to Mira Jovanovic, popadija Jelena Vranic, Rada...

Photo Gallery: Mini Christmas Concert +++ Галерија фотографија: Мали Божићни концерт
On Sunday, Janury 5, 2020, our choir “Lira” and the Children’s Choir regaled the parishioners of St. Luke Serbian Othodox Church with a selection of Serbian Christmas songs ushering thus the celebration of the...

Badnjak Decorating for Children +++ Украшавање Бадњака за децу
We invite all our children to join us on Sunday, January 5, 2020 at the Mini Christmas Concert of our Choir “Lira” and the Children’s Choir. Following the concert all children are invited to...

Christmas Mini Concert of our Choir SSS “Lira” and the Children’s Choir +++ Мали Божићни концерт нашег хора “Лира” и Дечијег хора
Our parish choirs, SSS “Lira” and Children’s Choir will present a mini-concert of Christmas music ushering the festive season, on Sunday, January 5, 2020, following the Parish Luncheon. They will also host the Parish...