Honored Guests at St. Sava Celebration +++ Почасни гости на Светосавској Академији
Among the honored guests at this year’s St. Sava Celebration we are pleased to have His Grace Bishop Irinej of Eastern America and His Grace Bishop Metodije of Diokleia (Montenegro). Below are the biographies...

Congratulations! +++ Честитамо!
Congratulations to our parishioner Matthew Marcetich on the upcoming publication of his book on uses of artificial intelligence in healthcare. The book is slated to be published in April 2020 with New Degree Press....

Special guest at St. Sava Celebration +++ Специјални гост на Светосавској Академији
We are pleased to inform you that His Grace Bishop Metodije of Diokleia (Montenegro) will honor us with his presence at this year’s St. Sava Celebration. The celebration will take place on Saturday, February...

Register for St. Sava Celebration 2020 – Регистрација за Светосавску Академију 2020.
SVETOSAVSKA AKADEMIJA– A Celebration of St. Sava –Saturday, February 1, 2020 Cultural Program, Dinner, and Live Music & DancingatSaints Peter & Paul Antiochian Orthodox Church10620 River Road, Potomac, MD 20854 Tickets in advance: $40.00...

Theophany Schedule +++ Распоред за Богојављење
JANUARY 18 (Saturday) HOLY CROSS DAY – EVE OF THEOPHANY 9:00 am – Divine Liturgy followed by theGreat Blessing of the Waters following the Divine Liturgy We kindly ask our parishioners to bring bottles in which they...

Theophany Swimming for the Holy Cross +++ Богојављенско пливање за Часни Крст
This year, once again we will organize the traditional Theophany swimming for the Holy and Life-giving Cross on Sunday, Januаry 19th, 2020. Following the Divine Liturgy with the Great Blessing of Waters (begins at...

Schedule for St. Sava Celebration +++ Распоред за прославу Св. Саве
SUNDAY, JANUARY 26 – EVE OF ST. SAVA 10:00 A.M. – Divine Liturgy followed by the Slava blessing and the traditional children’s program. We are grateful to this year’s St. Sava Kumovi Predrag, Svetlana,...

Photo Gallery: Christmas (Divine Liturgy) +++ Фото галерија: Божић (Света Литургија)