Хуманитарна организација Срби за Србе већ пуних 14 година помаже угроженим српским породицама са пуно деце широм Балкана, а посебно повратничким породицама на Косову и Метохији и у Крајини.До сада је организација са прикупљених...
We congratulate Biljana Regan and her dedicated associates on organizing a very successful fashion show of Serbian national costumes with a few other costumes from the Balkan region. Besides the costumes, guests could also...
Congratulations to Serbiana Chamber Ensemble and their director, Prof. Dr. Sanja Grujic Vlajnic, for a very successful and pleasant evening of Serbian music. Many of our parishioners and friends gathered on Saturday, May 11th...
Our parishioner +James Jimmy Wood has been laid to rest a year after his untimely repose. А memorial service – Pomen was served today for his soul as he was laid to rest with...
It is with great joy that we inform you that the loan with John Marshall Bank has been signed and is effective immediately. After several months of very hard work and much effort, our Trusteeship...
When you shop Mother’s Day gifts at smile.amazon.com/ch/82-3650722, AmazonSmile donates to St Luke Serbian Orthodox Church. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Док купујете поклоне за Дан мајки, можете помоћи наш храм уколико куповину вршите преко следећег линка smile.amazon.com/ch/82-3650722
It is with heavy heart that we inform our parishioners that our parishioner +James Jimmy Wood will be laid to rest on Friday, May 10 at 3:00 P.M. at at Arlington National Cemetery. The Orthodox Funeral...