Please consider helping our St. Luke Serbian Orthodox Church of Washington, DC out on this #GivingTuesday. Any gift, no matter how small or large is greatly appreciated. Your donations will help ensure that we can...
Драги пријатељи, У суботу 30. новембра, планирамо да поново организујемо радионицу за прављење занатског пива. Радионица би трајала од 10 ујутро до 17 поподне, што укључује припрему, само кување пива и чишћење апаратуре. Поново...
The parish administration of St. Luke Serbian Orthodox Church is soliciting proposals for catering services; we invite all interested parties to submit responses by December 6, 2019 to Mark Rasevic, Building & Grounds Committee...
With the blessing of His Grace Bishop Irinej, we will serve a Small Memorial Service for His Holiness Patriarch Pavle of blessed memory on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of his repose in...
The Serb National Federation (SNF) invites you to attend the event “Unspoken Genocides and Holocaust 1941-1945” about Genocides and Holocaust in the former Yugoslavia during World War II. The event will be held at...
Основан је Омладински клуб “Змај” при српској цркви “Свети Лука” са циљем дружења и одржавања културе и језика. Позивају се студенти од 15-25 година који знају српски да дођу у суботу 16. новембра у...
I would like to express my deepest gratitude and appreciation to the singers and the director of our choir “Lira” who have not spared effort and significant personal expenses to beautify and make the...
Dear St. Luke Parishioners, Please, note that this coming Friday, November 8, when we are celebrating the feast of St. Demetrius, the Divine Liturgy will be celebrated at 6:00 A.M. It is necessary to...