Обавештење родитељима деце из Српске школе – Announcement to Serbian School Parents

Help your Church while doing your holiday shopping on Amazon.com – Помозите своју цркву код купујете поклоне за празнике на Amazon-y.

Photo Gallery: Church Slava 2019 – Галерија фотографија: Слава цркве 2019. године

Slava Blessings for St. Petka, Paraskeva – Благосиљање Слава за Св. Петку, Параскеву
Dear St. Luke Parishioners, This coming Sunday, October 27, 2019, we will celebrate our Church Slava. According to the Church calendar, we are also celebrating St. Petka – Paraskeva on that day. If you...

Signup for Church Slava Preparations – Пријављивање за помоћ у припремама за Славу Цркве
Dear St. Luke Parishioners, Dear Friends, We would greatly appreciate if you would set aside an hour or two this coming weekend to help us prepare for our Church Slava, the celebration of the Protector...

IOCC Benefit Dinner at St. Luke Serbian Orthodox Church – Донаторско вече за IOCC у Српској Православној Цркви Св. Луке

Serbian Movie Festival in Washington, DC – Фестивал Српског Филма у Вашингтону (Галерија фотографија)

Hierarchical Divine Liturgy on October 20 – Света Архијерејска Литургија 20. октобра 2019.
His Grace Bishop Irinej of Eastern America visited our community on Sunday, October 20. That day he celebrated the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy in our church. During the Liturgy Prof. Dr. Sava Mikolaski was reaffirmed...

St. Luke Serbian Orthodox Church at Slavic Heritage Festival
A resounding THANK YOU to our dedicated parishioners Mark, Louise, and Gigi Rasevic, and Maja, Ana, and Nikola Lojanica who represented our Church at the Slavic Heritage Festival in Baltimore this past weekend. They...