With great joy we invite all our teachers, students, parents, and all parishioners to celebrate with us the end of another successful school year on Sunday, June 9. That day the certificates of accomplishment...
As we are approaching the end of the school year, I would like to convey greetings and archpastoral blessings of our Bishop Irinej to all our parishioners who are successfully ending their studies and...
Од свег срца ХВАЛА свим члановима наше фолклорне групе “Прело”, и јуниорима и одраслима, који нису штедели труда и трошка да отпутују на српски фестивал у Гринзборо да би представљали нашу парохију и заједницу...
I would like to take a moment for a point of personal privilege to express profound gratitude and congratulate every one of our volunteers and our festival chair Mr. Mark Rasevic on another successful...
Due to a church event taking place on Saturday, May 18th, the parking of Sts. Peter and Paul Antiochian Church will be unavailable to SerbFest DC guests. We kindly ask you to park in the grass...
Хуманитарна организација Срби за Србе већ пуних 14 година помаже угроженим српским породицама са пуно деце широм Балкана, а посебно повратничким породицама на Косову и Метохији и у Крајини.До сада је организација са прикупљених...
We congratulate Biljana Regan and her dedicated associates on organizing a very successful fashion show of Serbian national costumes with a few other costumes from the Balkan region. Besides the costumes, guests could also...
Congratulations to Serbiana Chamber Ensemble and their director, Prof. Dr. Sanja Grujic Vlajnic, for a very successful and pleasant evening of Serbian music. Many of our parishioners and friends gathered on Saturday, May 11th...
Our parishioner +James Jimmy Wood has been laid to rest a year after his untimely repose. А memorial service – Pomen was served today for his soul as he was laid to rest with...