Memory Eternal! – Вечан му спомен!
It is with much sorrow that we inform our parishioners of the passing of the V. Rev. Protopresbyter-Stavrophore Zvonimir Kotorcevich, a parish priest of our community in the early 1970’s. God rest his soul...
It is with much sorrow that we inform our parishioners of the passing of the V. Rev. Protopresbyter-Stavrophore Zvonimir Kotorcevich, a parish priest of our community in the early 1970’s. God rest his soul...
Reporter: Bojana Andrejevic
For photos click on the image below – За приступ фотографијама кликните на слику испод.
For photos click on the image below – За приступ фотографијама кликните на слику испод.
We are grateful to Arthur Enaliev and Sava Eremic for the recordings – Захваљујемо Артуру Еналиеву и Сави Еремићу на снимцима.
Dear St. Luke Parishioners and Friends,Dear Brothers and Sisters, We are pleased to inform you that tonight’s dinner is now sold out. We thank you for this unprecedented response to our St. Sava celebration.If you have...