Our Church is now on Instagram! – Од сада нас можете пратити и на Instagram-у!
At the popular demand, our St. Luke Serbian Orthodox Church has joined Instagram in order to further our communication with our parishioners. Instagram is now fully integrated with our Website, Facebook, and Twitter accounts....

Lecture on the “Dictionary of Technology by Aleksandra Stevanovic – Предавање Александре Стевановић о “Речнику технологије”
We are very grateful to Ms. Aleksandra Stevanovic, a PhD candidate at the University of Belgrade for sharing with us her insights on the intriguing text of the “Dictionary of Techonology” in a lecture...

LIVE Stream: Divine Liturgy on January 13th, 2019 – Пренос уживо: Света Литургија 13. јануара 2019.
Due to inclement weather, many of our parishioners are forced to remain at home today. We hope that all of you are safe and invite you to join us in prayer. For that purpose,...

March for Life 2019 – Марш за Живот 2019.
With the blessing of His Grace Bishop Irinej of Eastern America, and in accordance with the teachings of our Holy Orthodox Church with regards to the sanctity of life, we invite parishioners of St....

Movie Screening and Lecture: A Threefold Logos: Dictionary of Technology as a Dialogue between Science and Religion
ST. LUKE SERBIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH SUNDAY, JANUARY 13th, 2019 (FOLLOWING THE DIVINE LITURGY) Lecturer: Aleksandra Stevanovic, MA “Dictionary of Technology” is a hand-written script published in 1981 in Belgrade. It references Serbian Orthodox medieval...

St. Sava Celebration – Светосавска Академија

Live Stream: 2019 Nativity Divine Liturgy – Божићна Света Литургија 2019.

Patriarchal Nativity Encyclical – Божићна посланица Патријарха српског