Commemoration of the Vidovdan Sacrifice on July 1st – Молитвено сећање на Видовданску жртву у недељу 1. јула On Sunday, July 1st, at the Divine Liturgy, we will serve a Memorial service for...
Dear St. Luke Parishioners, Dear Friends, It is a great pleasure to inform you that Fr. Arsenije (Jovanovic), a renown missionary in Serbia, especially among the younger population, will visit our parish and hold a...
Dear St. Luke Parishioners and Friends, A recent volcano eruption in Guatemala has taken many lives and caused significant financial damage to this already impoverished nation. One of our parishioners, who is in Guatemala...
This year, for the first time, our parishioners will present Serbian cuisine at “Around the World Cultural Food Festival”! Come and support the Culinary Ambassadors of SERBIA! Around The World Cultural Food Festival – Washington...
Сходно одлуци Св. Архијерејског Синода (Акт Бр. 1436), а по благослову Његовог Преосвештенства Епископа источноамеричког г. Иринеја (Е. Бр. 534), објављујемо позив Представништва Републике Српске свим грађанима БиХ који живе на територији наше парохије...